Oh my goodness!
Buddy started favoring his hind leg (he’a a rear amp). It got worse over the next day or so. Of course my mind went to the worst care scenario. Fast-forward – vet thinks it’s a muscle strain. No evidence of tumor on Xray and he did run around like a maniac during our most recent snow storm.
We are Rimadyl and I bought huge area rugs to cover all of my hard wood so he doesn’t slip. We are gonna take it easy for a week or soon. Just potty breaks and relaxing.
I guess the worrying never stops!
Here’s my boy enjoying the snow.
The second pic is him saying “Mom, why are you crying? I’m fine” Oh this journey is full of ups and downs. Buddy is so brave. He loves his oncologist and all the staff.
Anyone else have problems with the remaining hind leg? I started him on Glucosamine but he wouldn’t take it. We are going to re-visit that. Any advice is appreciated.
4Ever grateful for this community
Julie and Buddy